Maeve Memorial Run Registration

Download the race application

Register now for the Mini Maeve, Fun Run, Full Race (includes t-shirt order), or Spirit Run (includes t-shirt order). The race is on July 15, 2017, and shirts are not guaranteed for registrations after June 30, 2017.

“Run in such a way as to win the prize.”
— 1 Corinthians 9:24b

The life that’s changed just may be your own.

maeve alice miller only lived for 20 days

Her life on this earth was so brief. Yet she moved people. She inspired people to pray, to hope, to love, and hopefully to live fuller lives.

learn more about the recipient of the year

EUMA is changing the lives of the homeless in our community. They are called to see each person – each heart – and their individual needs.

are you looking for ways to support the cause?

There are lots of ways you can make a difference! Besides the our annual runs, you can also make donations to Maeve Gives, a 501(c)3 corporation.